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Behind the Woods

30 min / english friendly / nonverbal / theatre / 8+

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Author: Morien Nolot
Director: Morien Nolot
Assistant director, Script: Olivier Rannou. Light design: Clara Coll-Bigot. Accompaniment: Gaëtan Émeraud & Fanny Bouffort. Sound : Marine Iger.

A misty forest. In the misty forest, a deer. Everything seems to be in place. Un%l the day when the claDer of hooves echoes on the tarmac. And so begins an unpredictable trajectory against a backdrop of construction site lights and shouting contests. A visual object theatre inspired as much by motorway scenes as by 18th-century Dutch vanitas. Behind the woods is a road-trip on a tabletop that strangely questons the place of the animal, the wild and our relationship with the land.



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