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MARY, who spilled the beans

45 min / theatre / czech / 5+

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Author: Petra Kosová a Tomsa Legierski, na motivy ukrajinské pohádky
Director: Tomsa Legierski
Stage design: Tomsa Legierski. Dramaturgy: Petra Kosová. Music: Petr Vydarený. Cast: Lenka Lupínková, Josef Jelínek. Stage technique: Vojtěch Kadlec.

Oh, that Mary! She's nice, she loves her husband Peter, but she can't keep her mouth shut. And so she gossips and puffs and colours everything she hears. That's why her husband Petro is a little upset with her. Also because the evil warden might step on them! But Mary can't help it, she loves to tell very colourful stories. And so when one day Petro ploughs up a pot of gold, apart from his joy, he is also very worried: how to make sure that Mary doesn't spill the beans and the guardian doesn't take the gold? But Petro will figure something out.


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