Support us

Even though the Hradec theatre festival has had a new name from January 2021, it still remains the same theatre festival you know and love. If you are an avid fan of Regions - International Theatre Festival Hradec Králové, you have a unique opportunity to support it.


Your contribution does not only have to be financial, but can also be material. We will be grateful, for example, for materials for the production of the festival scenography or hospitality for the artists and organisers. Let your fantasy run wild.


If you would like to support us, contact us at andrea.molicova@festivalregiony.cz.


Thank you for your support!


Would you like to be a partner of the Regions Festival?

Hradec Králové’s International Theatre Festival Regions, which is organised by Klicpera Theatre and Drak Theatre together with the cultural non-profit organisation kontrapunkt, has been the largest theatrical event in the Czech Republic for 25 years now. A more than 90-member festival team contributes to its organisation, united not only by fellowship and a love of theatre and culture, but also of the city of Hradec Králové.

With huge personal commitment, each of its members, who are recruited not only from the ranks of cultural professionals, but also from volunteers, strive so that each day you spend at the festival is unforgettable and to fill you with joy and a cultural experience.


Any form of help you can offer is greatly appreciated and will definitely not go unrewarded.


For more information, write to barbora.hodonicka@festivalregiony.cz.

Would you like to be a media partner?

If you would like to become our media partner or would like to establish media cooperation with us, please contact us here: press@festivalregiony.cz


We look forward to your message.

General partners
Statutární město Hradec KrálovéCalendarium Regina
Main partners
Královéhradecký krajStátní fond kultury ČRMinisterstvo kultury ČR
Partneři (EN)
Elektrárny OpatovicePolstrinTvoříme EvropuNová síť cultural networkKrálovéhradecká provozní Hradecké služby Marius PedersenNextbikeKampus bistroKoloběžky KOSTKABazalkaKoláčkova pekárnaAmityVýtvarné hračkyJordisEcoCars
Media partners
Deník NRadio 1FullmoonDivadlo.czČeský rozhlas Hradec KrálovéLoutkářHradeckoQuartierSalonkyMístní kulturaRadnice
HKfreeTop SecurityČernigovCafé NáplavkaNové AdalbertinumTechnické službyStagelab
Klicperovo divadloDivadlo Drakkontrapunkt
Partners of the international ensembles

Wallonie-Bruxelles International

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